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Buying or Selling



Welcome Your home is not only the repository of your family's memories, dreams and possessions--it is also an important financial investment. I take this very seriously.
The Mission Rarely today does one contract with anyone for anything that actually results in satisfaction for all concerned. It might sound ambitious but my reason for entering cyberspace is to use all means possible to lead any real estate endeavor in which I'm involved to a happy ending for all...
The Company

There is something about buildings that fascinates me, especially houses. I've designed them, built them, altered or fixed them, torn them down, bought and sold them; perhaps it's because "shelter" is one of our primary needs that I so deeply value owning a home.

I'm a realtor with Deed Real Estate Agency located in the heart of Bronxville, a village in Eastchester, in lower Westchester. I've lived in the area for fifteen years. The very core of my work is helping individuals and families make the transition from one place to the next as painless as possible. As a buyer or seller, perhaps this is all you need to know. For more detail (more than you could possibly want to learn about me), here's some biographical data.

Phone: 914.337.0900

Address: 120 Kraft Ave., Bronxville, NY 10708

E-mail: Info/Comments/Webmaster: mr at YourWestchesterHome dot com

(please make the email address by combining the words above and replacing the "at" with @ and "dot" with a period; no spaces of course!)



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